Sunday, July 5, 2009

chunky shame!!!

The legs story: i have always had big legs. I was a swimmer and a good one at that, so i had the bulk muscle and tone which i had no problem with, infact i was proud of them.

<<<-- Until this photo in April this year at my highest weight:

i am embarrased and ashamed!

I vowed to change what i had created of my chunky cheddar, orange peel fatty mcfatfat legs! I have walked every day and joined the gym doing Body Attack, body pump,Body Step and body Combat.

4kg later and i seen improvement. Not perfection but improvement! i can cross my legs without the fat having to overflow and crease up. i can see my lost muscles returning to their former glory. i dont want bulk, i want definition!

I no for a fact that i will never had stick thin legs and i accept that, i will do whatever it takes to have lean and tones pins that will be the envy of many! i get nice comments now but i want them even better.

i have had a shocking weekend of constant intake of food but i plan of fixing that.

Hope everyone is well :)


1 comment:

  1. i have similar legs as you. i will never have stick thin legs either... they are the hardest area on my body to lose weight from. it sounds like you are doing well with you weight/inches loss.
